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Herb of the Month

AUGUST 2017 


Urtica Dioica



Nettles are a perennial herb used in many medicinal applications. The leaf itself is covered in a fine layer of hairs that will sting if touched, hence the common name, stinging nettle.  The leaf contains flavonoids such as quercitin, a potent immune booster and allergy reducing constituent. It also contains amino acids, 5 HTP which is a precursor to the happy hormones and neurotransmitter serotonin. Other nutrients present include volatile oils, histamine, abscorbic acid (Vitamin C), potassium and a high source of iron.  


Both the leaf and roots are used, but more commonly the leaf for its astringent and diuretic properties. Astringent herbs are drying and help create a barrier for healing to occur. Diuretic herbs promote detoxification through urination and can aid with various ailments. Nettles are also great galactagogues, which mean they aid in the production of milk. 




Some common uses ND's and herbalists may prescribe this herb for are, BPH with frequent urination or retention seen in men, for  gout to eliminate uric acid from the body through the urine, for lactation and milk production, and for neuralgic pains topically. 


This herb is a great anti-inflammatory in the case of allergies, and decreases the cytokines in the blood, specifically for Hay Fever. This herb can lower blood pressure and helps in cases of myocardial insufficiency. 




Nettles are a GREAT source of iron, so I make sure this herb is always available in my home! Whether it's at the onset of a cold or during my 2nd and 3rd trimester in pregnancy I have this herb ready in tea form. Because this herb promotes urination, I don't recommend using it in the first trimester of pregnancy. But as a source of iron and electrolytes it is a great tea to brew. 


Another way I recommend this herb is to young girls who are anemic. About 1 week prior to the period and during the cycle I recommend having this tea about 1-2 times per day. The great thing is that you can combine this with any other leaves/teas you like. 




Now most company's like Traditional Medicinal's will provide the tea bags where you steep in boiling water for 5-10min and enjoy.  What I like to do is to take 2 tsp of herb or 2 tea bags, and let sit in hot water for an hour or overnight. The darker the tea is, the more iron that is extracted, and this brew, I then add hot water to and drink, or treat like Iced Tea in the summer with a sprig of mint and a zest of lemon. 


This also a great iron tonic for children, and products contain nettles as a gentle source of iron. The product Floradix, sourced from Germany was always in my fridge through my pregnancy. 


These are readily available at the Superstores, and Health food stores for purchase.


Use this herb with caution in pregnancy, and keep in mind the contact with the fresh herb can cause irritation on the skin. Use this herb from a trusted supplier and enjoy the many benefits of what is a common household herb in my home, in your home as well.  



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