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The Little Face Behind the NaturopathMom

See this little guy here, that's my son Ezra. He is everything a mom hopes for, adorable, curious, a good sleeper, pooper, and full of surprises.. mostly that is.. like all babies we meet, he stole my heart. He was a steering force for why I'm about to share some of my experiences and ventures. I should also mention that my husband kept telling me that I should write a blog, (yes this is a shout out honey), about all the ways that my career as a Naturopathic Doctor (ND) affected my pregnancy, labor, delivery, and the choices we make on a daily basis for our family.. but I thought, seriously, I'm busy, and lots of people do what I do even if they aren't ND's, and probably have loads of insight themselves.. and besides I like my personal space, free from excessive chatter.. and I myself am figuring it out as I go in many ways. But then I realized, there is NO right way of doing motherhood, being an ND or cultivating a balanced home.. It is individual, unique, and my experiences and insights are just that, MY experiences. If there is any hint of a chance, that something you read helps you in your path, and on your journey, then I am happy to share. But this thought came much later..

I woke up this morning, many months later after this fleeting thought, on this sunny August Sunday, and then it all just came pouring in.. The reason whyI had to share some of what I used to share with my patients as their primary or secondary health care provider, to now as insight from a Naturopath Mom.. Oprah said it best, know what drives you, your intention behind the action, and then when that is clear, deliver your message. My why was simple this morning, I want the future moms, dads, parents and caregivers to have an empowering and joyful experience with health, lifestyle choices, natural remedies, activity, nutrition for themselves and their young ones. I myself am grateful to the many teachers I have had over my 10 years of post secondary education.. Particularly the clinic supervisors who were there to refine my ability as a clinician, and all the patients who have come to help me grow in my practice.

Let's start with a brief professional background.. I did my quiet uneventful yet educational 4 year undergrad, specializing in Human Biology and Health Studies at UofT. Then after graduating, went on to naturopathic med school for 4 years where the lightbulb went on, and everything felt so familiar and exciting. The best parallel I can draw is when Harry went to Hogwarts for the first time (insert heavenly crescendo here for those who need auditory-visuals). So at pseudo-Hogwarts, I went on to discover herbology (Botanical Medicine, Tinctures & Traditional Chinese Medicine), potions (Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Hydrotherapy), defence against the Dark Arts (ways to keep the immune system alive and supercharged with Clinical Nutrition), flying lessons for Quidditch matches (with OSCE exams, phlebotomy labs, gyne's and rectal exams, and my focus of practice pediatric care- the practical skills for every ND-to-be). The story continues with further studies in homeopathy, nutrition and environmental medicine, but lets fast forward to NOW and start looking at some health and lifestyle choices that may or may not be of interest to you...

Cheers in Good Health,

Mommy, Naturopathic Doctor, Student of Life, Nature Lover



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